How do we rid of Invasive Spice.
There are many ways to get rid of Invasive Spice.
First we can clean Drain, and Dry and Biological control are two slots that can help get rid of this planet. We have to pay 1.3 million dollars to speak this plant.
An Invasive species is a non native species of plant. Invasive species take away the oxygen from the fish under the water. Giant salvinia is currently one of the most dangerous invasive aquatic plants in Texas. We need to take more responsibility in working to get rid of Giant salvinia.
People have to clean their boats when they get out of the lake because the get in to the invasive spice then they have to drain the boat then they have to dry the boat. . This is what clean drain dry means CLEAN off all plant parts, animals, and mud from boat and equipment boots, waders, fishing gear. DRAIN onto land all items that can hold water buckets, wells, bilge, and ballast). DRY all items completely before launching into another body of water. We want to have a good lake that we can fish at without having to fight against these plants. So now that you know what the purpose is for clean drain dry you can start doing it so that way we can have clean lakes to fish in and swim in.
Another good solution is biological control. This is were they put thr burgs like satl cedar beetles and weavile to eat the bad plants. This is a good solution becaues it is a long time solution and it is not a lot of money.